Wednesday 22 February 2017

Immigration to Australia, 1992 & 2002

This graph shows us that numbers of immigrants to Australia in 1992 & 2002. There was an increase of about 26,870 migrants came to Australia in 1992, but in 2002, the migrants declined dramatically. I think the government's policy is one of the most important reason to caused the immgrants dropped.

Global Warming and peopleawareness

Annual Greenhouse Emissions by Sector

Air pollution in Sydney

I think traffic emission is a big issues in Sydney. I believe that pollution from cars and it's may affect the lungs, it's similar to second hand smoke. I concerned about the effect that increasing vehicle fumes will affect our child health in the future, we can walk or ride a bike instead of driving the vehicles, that's really important and everyone should care about it.


Wednesday 8 February 2017

my blog

Hi, every buddy. I'm Xiaofang who studying in EFS class at Granville TAFE. This is my first time to use the blog and it's not easy for me, because the website letters all for english, but i'm concentration to listen the teacher what does she teaching, after that i creative the blog account successful.

In this Level, It is full time course. I have four teachers and they are teaching different subject for us. It's difficult course, we can't just learning half-day in the class without practice at home, but for me that's a little bit hard. After class, i have heaps of housework need to do, my kids still young, i need always around them and prepare everything to them, but i want to improve my english, i hope can speak english fluency in my lives, so i try me best and learn steps by steps.